新闻频道 > G20杭州峰会

发布时间:2016-09-04 16:32:31来源:浙江发布进入电子报




A Hangzhou Story

The Hangzhou people, full of feeling, have made many moving stories. Xu Xian, Lady Bai and their story of love, Su Xiaoxiao and her beautiful soul, the famous mad monk Ji Gong’s drunken view of the world… every story reflects the strong emotions of the people of Hangzhou. They have the poetic feeling of willows on the banks of a river under moonlight, as well as a dashing bravery that knows no bounds. These are the characters of Hangzhou people.


公元前221年,秦灭六国,秦始皇率领船队出游东南。据《史记·秦始皇本纪》记载:“至钱塘,临浙江(钱塘江),水波恶。乃西百二十里从狭中渡。”面对汹涌的钱塘潮,逆行120 里,秦始皇派人将大船缆系在保俶山一块巨石上,自己登上山顶眺望江面。他就这样,于两千多年前在杭州留下了自己的印记。

Emperor Qin Shihuang and Hangzhou

In 221 BC, when the Qin Dynasty destroyed the six kingdoms, Emperor Qin Shihuang lead an expedition to the southeast of China. According to historical records on the emperor: “When arriving at the Qiantang, near the Qiantang River, the water was rough. Thus, the party travelled west 120 li to cross”. The emperor had the boats tied to a rock at Mount Baochu, and ascended the mountaintop to look over the river, leaving his footprints in Hangzhou more than two millennia ago.



A Mayor that Should Not Be Forgotten

Among the “mayors” of history, Fan Zhongyan of the Northen Song Dynasty is one that deserves remembering. He served for only a little more than a year in Hangzhou, but at the time the city ran into a severe famine during which many people starved to death. He boldly implemented a three-point policy combating the famine, where many buildings were constructed, tourism was developed, and merchants were courted to import grain. The three points were all effective, and the famine was eradicated. After he died, to thank him for his excellent work, at Mount Gu a shrine was constructed for him, at the Meidong Bridge a temple was built, and some revered him as a local deity.



Remembering Yue Fei

The Yue Fei Temple is situated on Beishan Road on the side of the West Lake. Yue Fei was a patriotic general of the Southern Song Dynasty and is widely praised even now as a great man. He excelled at military affairs as well as poetry. A famous poem written by him is full of passion and has motivated generation after generation of patriotic youths.



John Leighton Stuart

John Leighton Stuart was an “old Hangzhou hand”, and was the best American speaker of Hangzhou dialect, as he was born and grew up in Hangzhou. After he died in the United States, he wanted his remains returned to Hangzhou to be buried. It’s said that one time he ordered at the Wangrunxing restaurant at Hefang Street: “Make it thin, ’cause fat messes up my stomach, y’all. Gimme more spice in the beans, that’s how I likes it. Cook it up right…” his fluent use of the vernacular shocked the waiters.



The Legend of the Plum Wife and Crane Children

Legend holds that Song poet Lin Bu was unwilling to become an official, and instead chose to become a hermit in Hangzhou, living on the north side of Mount Gu and involving himself in songs and paintings. He never married, and had no heir. He planted a plum tree and treated it as his wife, and raised two cranes as his children.



Zijiu Thatched Cottage

We all think that Yuan Dynasty painter Huang Gongwang only walked around the Fuchun Mountain Range, but in fact his footprints also set upon Yuhu Bay in Hangzhou at the Zijiu Thatched Cottage. The cottage lies near the water, and has a view of mountains. If you stand at the door and look far off, you can see the Leifeng Pagoda. You can see one half each of his painting Living in the Fuchun Mountains at the Zhejiang Provincial Museum and the Palace Museum in Taipei, but sitting here, you can take the entire thing in.


文澜阁位于西湖孤山南麓,是1782 年为珍藏《四库全书》而建的皇家藏书楼。阁内东南侧和东侧的石碑,分别刻有清乾隆帝题诗、颁发《四库全书》上谕和清光绪帝所题“文澜阁”。阁内的《四库全书》历经沧桑,是浙江几代人的侠肝义胆才使得它能躲过战乱 而幸存。而文澜阁日积月累的古书香气,一直浸润着杭城人的心灵。

Ancient Books in the Wenlan Pavillion

The Wenlan Pavilion is situated at the southern foot of Mount Gu near the West Lake. For saving the Complete Library of the Four Branches of Literature, it was constructed in 1782 by the emperor. Inside, at the southeast and east sides there are steles, with inscriptions by the Qianlong Emperor as well as the Guangxu Emperor. The books within have been preserved through wars and conflicts due to the bravery and heroic efforts of generations of people in Zhejiang. The collected works in this place reflect the spirit of the people of Hangzhou.



The Matchmaker and Matchmaker’s Temple

Next to the Leifeng Pagoda is the Matchmaker’s Temple. Because of the classical story of the matchmaker under the moon at this site in Hangzhou, the place has become a famous site for fortunetelling regarding marriages. Jin Yong (a wellknown writer) once compared the matchmaker under the moon of China and the god of love Cupid, thinking of the child as hot-headed and rash, whereas the matchmaker checking record is gentle and cultured. The set of couplets hanging on the wall of the Matchmaker’s Temple says: “Let the lovers of the world become spouses. This is set in previous lives – do not miss your match.” This is the romantic meeting of oriental philosophy and “the city of love”.



A Place for Meeting One’s Love

The Wansong Academy of the Qing and Ming dynasties is the site of cultural exchange largest in scale, with the longest history and biggest impact. The famous Wang Yangming and Qi Zhaonan, among others, gave talks here, and Yuan Mei also studied in this place. Now it’s a spot for people to meet their lover. Every Saturday morning, old ladies and gentlemen from all over bright their children’s information to find them a potential spouse. This kind of functional shift has its origins in a classical love story – the Butterfly Lovers. The two are said to have met here.


某日席间,一老北京问一老杭州,“你们有个碑林,你知道吗?” 老杭州愕然无答,觉得很丢面子,居然叫一个外地人这样问倒。回后多处打听,终在吴山边的劳动路上找着这碑林,一看更汗颜, 竟有如此多宝贝:二王、苏米等历代书家的手笔刻石,理宗、康熙、乾隆的御书石碑……五百多方,由唐至清,十分壮观。

Forest of Steles

One day, an old Beijing man asked an old Hangzhou native, “You have a forest of steles, you know that?” The Hangzhou native was surprised, and felt ashamed that an outsider would ask him this. After he returned and made inquiries, he finally found this forest of steles near Laodong Road, next to Mount Wu. He blushed with shame when he saw so many steles: the Two Wangs(Wang Xizhi & Wang Xianzhi), Northern Song calligraphers Su Shi and Mi Fu, and others, the Lizong, Kangxi and Qianlong emperors… more than 500 in total, from the Tang to the Qing Dynasty, all a sight to behold.


吴山有一岩石叫感花岩。相传唐代诗人崔护吴山游春,因口渴叩一柴扉求饮,巧遇一桃花般明媚的女子。次年再访,佳人却杳无影踪,遂于壁间题下“去年今日此门中,人面桃花相映红。人面不知何处去,桃花依旧笑春风”一诗。200 年后苏轼游吴山念及崔护其诗其事,亦于壁间写下《赏牡丹诗》附之,感伤这场桃花错。

The Missed Peach Blossom

At Mount Wu there is a “sentimental peach blossom rock”. Legend has it that Tang Dynasty poet Cui Hu visited Mount Wu in the spring and knocked on a door to ask for a drink because of thirst. He was greeted by a maiden beautiful as a peach blossom. When he visited the next year, there was no trace of this beauty. He wrote a poem: “A whole year ago to the gate I did pace, with blooming peaches shining upon her face. Now the smiling face which I saw and miss has gone nowhere, the peaches are still coming into bloom in spring breeze here.” 200 years later Su Shi travelled here and read Cui Hu’s poem. He wrote his own poem, “Admiring the Peonies”, to acknowledge this missed meeting between Cui Hu and the peach beauty.



Field of the Eight Diagrams

At the southern foot of Jade Emperor Mountain there is a Field of the Eight Diagrams, which was built under the reign of Southern Song Emperor Zhao Gou, and almost 900 years later it remains in good shape. It is built in the shape of the Eight Diagrams of Yin and Yang defined by legendary leader Fu Xi. It consists of sections that are planted in accordance with the twenty-four Solar Periods as defined in the traditional Chinese lunar calendar, to show respect for agricultural affairs and pray for good rains and harvest. It was also built as a display of Zhao Gou’s determination to rally force again and recover the lost territory. It is now open as a park, for both relaxation and learning about agriculture.


走过浣纱路,未见浣纱河。听老杭州说这是在浣纱河上筑的路。浣纱河古称清湖河,又因在这里浣纱洗衣的杵捣声终日不绝,而得名浣纱河。昔日的浣纱河,沿岸杨柳低垂,小桥流水人家,夏日里,小伢儿在河里游泳、抓鱼、嬉闹。由浣纱河变成浣纱路, 对多数老杭州来说,是一段难以割舍的记忆。

Huansha Road

Walking along Huansha Road, I don’t see the Huansha River. An old resident says that Huansha Road was built over the Huansha River. The Huansha River was originally called the Qinghu River, but its name was changed due to associations with washing clothing. Huansha River in the old days was lined by willows, featured many bridges, and had people who would wash clothes and children playing in it in summer days, fishing and having fun. It’s a nostalgic memory for those old enough to remember it.

知味之余, 知音不断

“知味停车,闻香下马;欲知我味,观料便知”说的是杭州百年老店知味观,它是国家首批认定的中华老字号和中国十大餐饮品 牌。1913年由孙翼斋建立,开张之初生意并没他想象中的红火,他想着自己的点心不比别人差,就在门楣上写下了“欲知我味, 观料便知”,不料竟引起了人们的好奇。从此知味之余,知音不断。

Zhiweiguan Restaurant

One of the major classical food and beverage brands as recognised by China, Zhiweiguan is a famous restaurant in Hangzhou. Founded by Sun Yizhai in 1913, the business wasn’t originally that good as he imagined, As he thought the pastries he produced could compete with other brands, he hung a sign at the doorhead saying “If you want to know how the product is, come see how it’s made”. It attracted curious people, and the brand became famous since then.






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